What Makes a Guard Audition Successful?

Published by Tori Angel on

The cool thing about an audition is there isn’t a right or wrong way to hold auditions. There are, however, traits of every great audition that you can replicate for a successful audition process. Let’s break down the characteristics of a good audition process with a quick checklist. 

  1. Have you taken time to collaborate with your staff?

This one seems obvious – let me explain. During auditions, you may have students who have years of experience. You may also have students who have never held a flag. The more you plan the time, the more education you can sneak into your process. The last three checklist items also have to do with collaboration. Ensuring your staff is on the same page will help provide students with the best experience all around.

  1. Does your audition piece showcase the technique you will be using throughout the season?

Having skills that you will be showcasing in your show is beneficial for a few reasons. 1. You can see how fast students can catch on to your expectations. 2. You expose new members to basics to help support their learning. 3. Any time technique can be infused into teaching choreography, students grow.

  1. Do you have clear criteria to assess the members in attendance? 

Ensuring you think through this before seeing the members will help you make informed and educational decisions! For example, think through your show and any tosses you would like to feature. Think through the logistics of the toss and teach it. If they have the correct pathway, they have the potential to be successful. If they can’t fold the flag for the toss, they may need more time to understand the level you are interested in achieving. Have you given proper time to practice and ask questions before making your decision?

  1. Are you showing your groups values during the down time?

If your group values hard work, are you encouraging fast water breaks to instill that mindset? If your group values relationships, are you ensuring there is time to get to know others? Remember that an audition isn’t just for the participants – your rehearsal and environment is also making an impression on the hopeful members. Be sure you are putting your best foot forward to attract the right type of people and encourage a strong values-based group!

Bonus tip – the more communication you can have prepared for your new families, the more comfortable the families will feel to trust your program!

Remember – every year, every group, and every student will be different. Please make decisions that are best for that circumstance and authentically address those unique situations. If you allow the students to be at the forefront of your planning, your audition will bring you a great start to your season!


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